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Tribute to Sis. Calloway

Church Interior

First Lady
Mrs. Linda P. Calloway

First Lady Mrs. Linda Praylo Calloway

On January 31, 2017, our church family experienced a pain, a loss, a feeling that we have never as a family had to deal with.  On that day, God added to his angelic host by receiving a flower, a gem, a pearl, our First Lady Mrs. Linda Praylo Calloway.


From February 7, 1982 until her death, God allowed her to be among us; to sing with us; to dance with us; to break bread with us; to cry with us; and, to be taught about the magnificent love of God through her beauty and her grace. 


As she walked the halls of this hallowed place her sweet spirit illuminated and shined as the presence of the Lord was round about her.


Chosen very early in life to be a nurturing, God fearing woman, she worked in the vineyards and labored with Pastor Calloway as she directed the paths of hundreds who came in contact with her through her ministries that included: The Rites of Passage, Sunday school, Saturday School, Bridge over Troubled Waters and St. Stephen Christian Academy.

First Lady Calloway was an example of a servant as she served her people through her membership in the Mass Choir and Usher Board #2.


Truly unique, there will never be another like her; truly irreplaceable, there will always be a place in our hearts for her; truly unforgettable, we will always remember her quiet spirit and caring love for all.


We mourn but we rejoice. We cry but we smile. God’s wisdom cannot be denied. He gave her to us for a reason and we thank God for that season.

Church Interior
Mr. and Mrs. Calloway

A wonderful First Lady,

One who was better God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true, One in a million, that First Lady was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by St. Stephen and all whom you knew A wonderful First Lady that was you.

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